(June 16th – June 19th)
Welcome to our sample sale at Lysaker Brygge 29. The sample sale will last from June 16th – June 19th 2021. Here you will find lots of samples for both adults and children – as well as leftovers from previous collections. We encourage everyone to pay with VIPPS (but have a bank terminal available for those who do not have). We’ll be taking precautions and only let in 10 customers at a time (30 min per booking and a maximum of 2 pers per booking).
If you experience any symptoms of corona, we kindly ask that you do not attend and stay home. 🙂
Adr: Lysaker Brygge 29, 1366 Lysaker
Max. 10 persons pr time slot and 2 people pr booking.
Book your appointment here: